In-house Raleigh Orthopedic Physical Therapy at the Bone Joint Surgery Clinic
Recovering from a hip, knee or other joint replacement requires extensive physical therapy to ensure a complete and quicker recovery. By having our physical therapy Raleigh, NC offices located at our practice, we can offer seamless quality care that is both comprehensive and convenient.
In-house Physical Therapy Raleigh, NC After a Joint Replacement at Raleigh Bone Joint Surgery Clinic Is Convenient
We realize that quality care is only part of the picture. Care must be easily accessible. That’s why our surgeons have several privileges at different hospitals and outpatient surgery clinics throughout the Raleigh area.
By having in-house physical therapy, we provide another layer of convenience for you. This means you won’t have to go from place to place to get physical therapy. You can get what you need in our office.
Services Offered at Our In-house Physical Therapy Raleigh, NC
- – Pre and post operative Rehab
- – Orthopaedic and Sports Injuries
- – Trigger Point Dry Needling
- – Manual Therapy
- – Blood Flow Restriction Training
- – Gait and Balance Training
- – Injury Prevention
Meet Our Team
Our PTs have received extensive training and are board certified through the American Physical Therapy Association.
Eric Fiedler PT, DPT, CTPS
Clinic Director
Certified Tennis Performance Specialist
Whitney Cavender PT, DPT, CSCS
Staff Physical Therapist
Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Both of our PT’s are trained in Trigger Point Dry Needling and specialize in the treatment of injured athletes in addition to a wide range of surgical and non-surgical conditions.
How Long Will I Need PT After a Joint Replacement?
There is no “one size fits all” answer for PT after a joint replacement. However, our goal is always to get you back to your regular activities as soon as safely possible.
You may be surprised that you’ll likely be taking your first steps while you’re still in the hospital! This is vital to ensure a good start to your physical therapy.
However, in general, for a knee replacement, you’ll use a walker for the first one to three weeks. Complete recovery typically takes four to eight weeks.
A hip replacement has a similar timeframe, as you’ll be having PT after a joint replacement for around six to eight weeks.
A shoulder replacement will require ongoing PT for around four months.
However, physical therapy is not limited to joint replacements. We’ve helped patients recover effectively from conditions such as tennis elbow, rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome and more.
Physical Therapy Hub: Everything You Need to Know
Physical Therapy
What You’ll Learn
With our in-house physical therapy services, you don’t have to travel all over town to get the treatment you need. We’ve provided a clear overview of the benefits of sports physical therapy, how it helps you, and what to expect.