How Long Does Whiplash Last? Precautions and Treatments

In this article:

When you think of whiplash, a car accident is likely one of the first things that come to your mind. After all, car accidents comprise the majority of whiplash cases. But whiplash can also be caused by any hard, sudden, back-and-forth motion. This means that it can occur while playing contact sports, riding a roller coaster, or even falling in a certain manner.


Key Takeaways:

  • Whiplash occurs when a sudden, back-and-forth motion causes injuries to the neck. 
  • Whiplash varies dramatically in severity, and the pain can last for a few weeks or several years.
  • Treatment may include medication, physical therapy, rest, and ice/heat. In rare cases, surgery may be needed.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects, straining your neck and participating in risky activities as you’re recovering from a whiplash injury.
  • To avoid whiplash, use a seatbelt, drive safely and use caution when participating in contact sports or riding carnival rides. 

The content within this article and others on this website is only for educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. For any questions or concerns, please consult with your healthcare provider.